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Top 7 Websites To Volunteer While You Travel

Do you want to travel the world while changing the lives of the people around you? This can also be an incredible skill you can pursue while being in the gap year of your career or just to improve your resume. 

If you want to make a positive impact in the world, we have compiled a quick list of the top 7 websites for volunteering that allow you to enhance your volunteering skills for places to stay and travel! Thus, let's start planning your next adventure, shall we?


With over 24,000 different cities to travel to and explore, Workaway allows travelers to work for a certain number of hours in exchange for free food and accommodation in the city. The opportunities vary across different cities, but the volunteering deeds usually cover anything between working on a hostel or farm or simply teaching English to underprivileged people. 

Working Traveller

Working Traveller is a website focused on returning to your home country, especially after traveling and having a gap in your resume. This website allows you to receive references from different places you have worked for - a perfect way to amp up your resume! 

Thus, instead of returning home with a gap and zero advantages of traveling, use this website, find out the right opportunities that suit your interests, get paid to travel while you help the world, and boost your skills in your resume! 


MovingWorlds matches you with different volunteering opportunities across the world. Most of the projects are offered based on the user's skills, preferences, and expertise levels to ensure that you land up only on your favorite service that you will enjoy! The opportunities are usually focused on making social impacts and cover your food and lodging during the duration for free!


Another gem in this list has to be WorldPackers, as it prepares you for an adventurous wanderlust! You can find a list of locations to serve your skills in exchange for an absolutely free host! 

You can filter your choices based on locations, skills, and preferences to find out the most exquisite locations for your travel while still working for the people in need!

You might be wondering, how can you eventually travel and explore the local attractions if you spent most of your hours on service? is an excellent platform connecting you to culturally immersive and impactful activities that are mostly inclined towards exploring and checking out the local attractions. 

Not only do you positively impact the localities, but you also get to travel to your fullest while being immersed in the scenic beauty!


Wwoof or the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms is your perfect choice if you love greenery and have a good experience with farming!

These farms offer you free lodging and food, which is absolutely safe and secure. You also get to grow your own crops, nurture them, and feed those in need. This is a great choice if you want to move away from the hustle-bustle of the city and find an escape within the green farms in different cities.


Gigrove is a platform that elevates your entrepreneurial spirit by making you wanderlust! Simply help startups in exchange for places to stay and food. Not only will this help you travel the world, but it will also boost your entrepreneurial skills, which are excellent for your resume! Who knows, you may even find your next business idea during the venture?


Working while traveling is the perfect way to make your travel productive. Volunteering while you travel will give you a completely new perspective on your life while enjoying the beauty of the people and nature around you. Thus, hop on any of the websites mentioned above, find a suitable opportunity to volunteer, and book your tickets right away!